CPA is working hard to grow each individual's athletic volleyball skills, but we would also like to focus on the growth of the individual within the team atmosphere. Beyond that, CPA would also like to grow each team as a family, and all the teams within the club as a community. We would like to encourage positive support for each member, each family, each coach, each team, and the club! Let's enjoy the season as part of the CPA family. 
The following are a few key steps to maximize growth that we would like to touch on.

CPA  believes that the time spent together off the court grows each team's bond, which enhances the all around team play as a whole on the court.
A few things to note:
- When players are not playing during tournaments - they shall spend time together at our team space. Get to know one another and enjoy each other's personalities.
- Parents are also encouraged to spend time at this team space - as the girls are a joy to be around and they always appreciate your support.
- Make sure no player is left on their own, at anytime.
- Players, please be present with your team, and our club, for the entirety of the tournament. It is okay to say Hi to players/coaches that are friends from other clubs, but please do not wander around with them or invite them to our team space. They are an opponent while at a tournament and there will be time to chit chat after the tournament is done.
- We understand that sometimes players need to speak to their parents for a few moments, or family/friends that have come to watch, but please do not go off with parents/family/friends for more than a short time. Also do not leave the facility at any time during a tournament.

CPA believes that maintaining proper focus and contributing in any possible way is highly important for growth and success.
A few things to note:
- Cell phones will need to be in backpacks or with parents. Once again, tournament downtime is a great time for team growth. There will be times where phones are okayed - that will be up to the coach. If a player has a parent that is not attending the tournament that player may call/text their parents to update them. We would like to have maximum player/team interaction. As all parents know - phones are often a distraction.
- Players are expected to be highly engaged and vocal both on and off the court. The more they are engaged while on the bench, the more prepared they will be when they go on the court.
- Celebrating is highly encouraged!

CPA believes that being responsible and accountable is a step in the positive direction.
A few things to note:
- Players are responsible for their own water and gear. If they didn't bring it, then they must not have wanted or needed it.
- Players will be expected to ref/score on the assignment they are given. They will need to know how to perform all tasks. For most tournament those jobs will be preassigned.
- Once players have all their CPA gear, we would like them to wear no other outside gear while at tournaments, ie other clubs, or high schools.
- The number of balls the team came with needs to be maintained during the tournament and the coach needs to be departing with that same number at the end of the tournament. Please keep track of the balls!

As a club we want to work together as parents and coaches to help grow the most responsible, socially and emotionally well balanced, semi- selfless young women that we can! We are looking to have positive support and talk from coaches, parents, and players, no matter whom they are talking to. Please work hard to engage positively or not at all. It is with your positive support that wonderful growth can happen, for each player as an athlete, as a young woman, and as a member of their team and the club!

Thank you for your cooperation and support!